30 June 2007

Welcome to the Apothecary...

"O true apothecary!
Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die."

-- From Romeo and Juliet (V, iii, 119-120)

Apothecary (pronounced / ah-POTH-i-kerry) is a historical name for a medical practitioner who formulates and dispenses materia medica to physicians, surgeons and patients — a role now served by a pharmacist.

In early times, an apothecary was a one-stop shop for any kind of medical service. whether that meant midwifing a pregnant mother-to-be or supplying Shakespeare with opium, an apothecary had the trust of his people because of one simple reason, the apothocary had mainly been blunt and straightforward. Thus, people who visited can always assure unbiased advise.

With that in mind, this is what i'd like the theme of this blog to entail. Blunt and straightforward insights into the world around me.

This is what i'll leave you with for now..



AmoOora said...


nice to see u joined this world ;)

just one thing, i think it would be better if u change the color of the black backround, cuz i tried it on my blog and i realised that most of the time, ppl had difficulty reading the words.. so maybe another color would work better..

c yaa

Anonymous said...

welcome to the blogosphere and hope u'll enjoy it dude...:)

Q8 Apothecary said...

amooora: Thank you babe... i'll look into that... this template is actually just a regular template i pulled up from blogspot...

Soon i'll be redesigning the whole blog...

maze: Thx mate... it's a world i've just recently come to terms with... i hope i survive it...

Elegant Chic said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!
Happy blogging :)